VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, by Constitution is a Private Limited Company & PAN of the Company is AAHCV3771D.
VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, was incorporated under The Companies Act, 2013 (No. 18 of 2013) as per the Certificate
of Incorporation U85300UP2020PTC128502 2020–2021, issued by The Registrar of Companies– Kanpur Dated 05/05/2020
VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, Registered with Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises vide Registration No. UP29D0037946. • VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, Registered with the office of Chief Medical Officer, Ghaziabad vide Certificate No. CMEE2007160. • VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, Registered with NABL vide Registration Certificate No. MC-4401. • VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, Registered with Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board vide Registration No. 9576223.
We, at VIRAJ DIAGNOSTICS PRIVATE LIMITED, offer the services with the sole aim to provide world class diagnostics services & setting a strong foundation of consistent faith amongst OUR INVALUABLE CLIENTS.